Methods The children who were the second grade class of primary schools were investigated the history of the BCG vaccination, BCG scar, native place and conducted PPD test. 方法对小学二年级学生进行卡介苗接种史、卡痕、户口所在地、出生地情况调查,同时进行人型-PPD试验。
Results The indications of BCG vaccination rate, the PPD positive rate after 12 weeks BCG vaccination, the rates of BCG scar, the mean values of diameter of induration in PPD skin test and that of BCG scar were stable. 结果新生儿卡介苗接种率、接种后12周结核菌素纯蛋白衍化物(TB-PPD)阳转率、PPD反应平均直径、卡痕率、卡痕平均直径等指标均较稳定。
Value of BCG skin test for diagnosis of child tuberculosis BCG皮试对儿童结核病诊断价值的初步探讨
Conclusion: The test of BCG polyclonal antibody was better than coloration of antacid, therefore it is a simple, high sensitivity and with high value test for early leprosy diagnoses, assessment of therapeutic efficacy and promptly detection of the recurrent case. 结论BCG多克隆抗体免疫组化染色对麻风病的早期诊断、治疗效果评估、复发的及时发现是一项操作简单而且敏感性高,是较有价值的检测项目。
The positive rate of BCG-PPD skin test was higher than in infected children. 健康儿童的转阳率明显高于感染儿童。
Such as the PPD test is negative, determine the BCG is failed, then the BCG is re-vaccinated, after one month is given PPD test again, and so again, until the vaccination success or six months until the end of the study. 如PPD试验为阴性,则判定BCG接种未成功,再次接种卡介苗,接种后1月再次予PPD试验,如此反复,直至其接种成功或6月研究结束为止。